Interesting links

Steganography storing information using clusters

Zone plate photography

Are we living in a simulation?

Bluetooth – headset insecurity

GSM decryption – using ordinary phones (no SDR needed)

Eureqa – generate equation from data

Door key duplication from photos

Van Eck Phreaking laptops

Decoding the light cast by monitors on a wall by Markus Kuhn

Fingerprinting PCs by clock skew from TCP time stamps

Recovering data from RAM by transfering RAM to another PC

Fermilab Holometer – Is 3D an illusion

Chemists outfox the law

80k a month through outsourcing

Single pixel camera

Metasploit GUI – interesting interface

Microwave propulsion

Electronic sunglasses – Block out sun with LCD

TWIRL – Factorisation using light

Bitcoin – Decentralised virtual currency


Financial trading – Graphs of strange trade patterns

Cojoined twins who share a brain

EmoKit – Cheap EEG (also see)

deDected – Decrypting DECT with consumer hardware

Film VS Digital

Bike lock – Lamp scaling bike lock

Low power radio transmitter – Transmitting across thousands of miles

Betfair – Arbitrage etc.

USB Sniffer

Beamforming – Directing signal from antenna array

Global consciousness – project to find patterns in random numbers (probably complete nonsense)

Sonoluminescence – generating bursts of light using sound

Bluepill – proof of concept VM malware

Pogo – Open source DNA synthesizer

Converting thoughts to speech

Storing data for 1000 years

VM stealing keys from other VMs

Un-blowing fuses of an MCU

PUF – physically uncloneable functions

BCI Sidechannels

Detect a pulse – using a camera

Linguistic Relativity

Build your own quantum entanglement device

worlds most precise clock

Safecracking for the computer scientist

Extracting keys from a laptop using electric potential

Acoustic side-channel attack – detects ultrasound, generated from “vibration of electronic components in the computer, sometimes heard as a faint high-pitched tone or hiss (commonly called “coil whine”, though often generated by capacitors).”

Reading SRAM contents using lasers

Electromagnetic fault induction

Optical fault induction through camera flash

Masked ROM data extraction

Bees detecting EM fields from flowers

Tracking honey bees with RADAR and RFIDs

Schlieren photography – visual process that is used to photograph the flow of fluids of varying density

Airgap flash

Doomsday machine

DIY Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

Home-built STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscope)

Obfuscated computation

Low-Cost Motility Tracking System (LOCOMOTIS) for Time-Lapse Microscopy Applications and Cell Visualisation – Using a cheapo microscope

Exploiting the DRAM rowhammer bug to gain kernel privileges

Water lenses

PrintScreen – printable screens

DIY HD projector

Disney Touche – Swept capacitative interface

Motion sensing using the doppler effect, on a laptop

VisualMic – capture sound from the vibrations of objects picked up using a camera (even low fps cameras, taking advantage of rolling-shutter)

Bitwhisper – communication across computers through heat

OpenQCM – Open source Quartz Crystal Microbalance

Using Optical Emission Analysis for Estimating Contribution to Power Analysis – using CCD/PMT to monitor IR emitted by a switching transistor, using a microscope

Tunable liquid metal antenna

Water droplet computer – Amazing videos of the operation

Mini laser ‘hologram’

Large laser ‘hologram’ – seem .wmv movie!

Projection onto clouds

OpenDrop – microfluidic electrowetting platform

DIY microlenses

Attempting to access Inner speech via EMG

GSMem – Emitting RF data to a phone via memory bus

Jeep hacking – remote hacking of an unaltered vehicle

Extracting keypresses from the earth wire of a PC

Van eck phreaking against a laser printer

3D printed (FDM) tourbillon

Cryptanalysis of intercepted Israeli drone feeds

UV light showing heat resulting from current, due to soldermask and heat

Closing of Venus Flytrap by Electrical Stimulation of Motor Cells

Opening a safe with a rare earth magnet

Microwave auditory effect – “audible clicks (or, with speech modulation, spoken words) induced by pulsed/modulated microwave frequencies”

Digital sundial – outputs digits you can see

Two photon absorption enables Two-Photon Polymerization

Self replicating spacecraft, also see Astrochicken

Lego printer – actually assembles lego blocks into structures

X-ray pulsar base navigation – deepspace ‘GPS’

Tag-less Identification of Electrical Devices via Electromagnetic Emissions

Milk scanner – generate a 3D mesh by layering milk over an object

Steam Rocket – using steam to power a rocket

Ultrasonic levitation – levitating polystyrene, LEDs etc.

Confocal microscopy – making use of a laser and pinhole to increase resolution

Living Robot – photosensitive muscle cells

Cracking electronic safe locks

Kearny Fallout Meter – makes use of gold leaf to detect radiation

100$ Muon detection – using a Silicon photo-multiplier (SiPM)

Obtaining a value for Pi, using the monte carlo method, using rain!

Keystroke Recognition Using WiFi Signals

Are ants capable of passing the mirror test?

Nitinol heat engine

Diamond radio receiver

Reverse engineering Flash EEPROM memories using Scanning Electron Microscopy

Optical Tempest – reading data from MODEMs LEDs etc

Cheating casinos PRNGs

Digital Audio Recording Analysis The Electric Network Frequency Criterion – By recording 50/60Hz mains hum ‘Electric Network Frequency’ can be obtained and recorded for a long period. When audio is recorded in the presence of mains hum, the hum can be filtered and compared against recordings of ENF, to pinpoint the time the recording was made.

Singing Capacitors and Whining Inductors – A Practical Introduction to Acoustic Cryptanalysis

Brewing beer from 45 million year old yeast

The women who can smell Parkinson’s

High-resolution non-destructive three-dimensional imaging of integrated circuits

Creating a 3D model from the principle of displacement of a liquid

Memory of plants

DolphinAttack: using ultrasound to activate google voice – interestingly you can’t just filter out the ultrasound frequencies, as it’s exploiting non-linearity in the microphone.

Sandsifter – finding undocumented x86 opcodes

Magnetic particle filtering – finding location indoors in a more accurate fashion than using dead reckoning with an accelerometer

Crowbox – training crows to pickup money (or pickup cigarettes CrowdedCities)

Rhizotron – viewing underneath the soil with a flatbed scanner

Dual photography – making use of a projector at a different angle to a camera. From the diffuse reflection of a playing card, from the light of the projector, it can then decode the card.

OpenEIT talk – Low Cost Non-Invasive Biomedical Imaging – An Open Electrical Impedance Tomography Project (see also OpenEIT ).

Free electron laser talk – amazing talk, on free electron lasers

Emitting RF via a speaker to control a radio clock

Emitting RF via a speaker to lock shopping trolleys

Transmitting data using low frequency magnetic fields – apparently can bypass a faraday cage, due to using low frequencies (can apparently protect against using mu metal, which isn’t that cheap though)

Fontcode – encoding information in the shape of font characters

MIT decoding subvocalisation

Blue Note – How Intentional Acoustic Interference Damages Availability and Integrity in Hard Disk Drives and Operating Systems.

Acoustic position tracking

Spiders can ‘fly’ using earth’s electricity.

Screaming Channels: When Electromagnetic Side Channels Meet Radio Transceivers – they say the analog RF part which is noise sensitive picks up noise from nearby digital signals, which they can decode.

Van eck phreaking of HDMI/DVI signals with an SDR

Synesthesia – Detecting Screen Content via Remote Acoustic Side Channels

CTRL Labs Oreilly Demo – Modelling movement of a hand via EMG signals

Flowers respond to pollinator sound within minutes by increasing nectar sugar

Gauge blocks – makes use of technique called wringing to ‘stick’ blocks together, the process of which isn’t fully known

Synthetic sensors – using sensors such as ‘ accelerometer, microphone, and EMI’ and aggregating data from these, to pick up events such as how much water has been poured from a tap based on audio

Harddisk microphone – turning a harddisk into a microphone

Harddisk microphone – uses a different approach which requires hacking the firmware, includes audio samples

Passive radar – ” the receiver uses third-party transmitters in the environment, and measures the time difference of arrival between the signal arriving directly from the transmitter and the signal arriving via reflection from the object”

DIY passive radar – via KrakenSDR

Rapatronic camera – extremely high speed shutter camera

Model rocket – DIY thrust vectored model rocket

Light Commands – Laser attack against MEMS microphones

Fingerprinting Blank Paper Using Commodity Scanners

Seeing around corners with lasers

Laser ultrasound imaging

Discovering Hard Disk Physical Geometry through Microbenchmarking

MIT engineers fly first-ever plane with no moving parts

Experiment regarding the inverse square law of gravity at 52um – makes use of EDM machined disks

Mini Glass gyroscope – also see larger version – HRG

Fibre optic gyroscope – exploits the sagnac effect, where you pass light through the fibre in both directions (using a beam splitter) light passed in the direction of rotation takes longer than light travelling the opposite direction of rotation, this creates interference, which I think you can see from a photodiode.

Plate solving – finds stars in an image using a star catalogue

OpenTOFLidar – Makes use of a Time-to-digital converter (see here for FPGA TDC, which operates at faster speeds, than simply counting on the incoming pulse)

Lamphone – Real-Time Passive Sound Recovery from Light Bulb Vibrations

Lip reading – with deep learning

Image of the sun through the earth, via neutrinos

Etheroops – exploiting faults in Ethernet frames

TEMPEST Comeback – A Realistic Audio Eavesdropping Threat on Mixed-signal SoCs

Memristor crossbars – on the raspberry pi

How 30 Lines of Code Blew Up a 27-Ton Generator

Listen to Your Key – “When a victim inserts his/her key into the lock, the emitted sound is captured by the attacker’s microphone. SpiKey leverages the time difference between audible clicks to ultimately infer the bitting information, i.e., shape of the physical key”

Demonstration of Communication using Neutrinos

Atomic gardening – Using radiation to create plant mutations

Slime mould – forming a map of the Tokyo-area railway system

OTH Radar – type of radar which can see beyond the horizon

Generating ELF RF – by spinning a permanent magnet

PrivacyMic – Detecting events in a house, using inaudible frequencies

Microphone Jamming – Wearable Microphone Jamming

Wall camera – What You Can Learn by Staring at a Blank Wall

Micro-GPS – High-Precision Localization Using Ground Texture (Micro-GPS)

Plastic Scanner – open source plastic scanner using spectroscopy

Recovering redacted information from pixelated videos

Hidden Spy Camera Detection using Smartphone Time-of-Flight Sensors

PowerSpy: Location Tracking using Mobile Device Power Analysis

Visualizing Ultrasound with Schlieren Optics

DIY parametric speaker – All ultrasound transducers appear to be fed the same signal and sound is created from ultrasound

DIY sonar scanner – Covers beamforming with ultrasound

DIY laser networking – Wireless laser networking using a fibre optic SFP module (without the fibre)

DIY networking using LEDs – 10Mbps network using red LED and magnifying glass

Ultrafast Ultrasound Localization Microscopy – imaging blood flow in a heart using microbubbles as a contrast agent and ultrasound, see also the video

Balloon detects first signs of a ‘sound tunnel’ in the sky

DIY magnetometer – simple magnetometer using op-amps, coil and Mu-metal

Physicists are building neural networks out of vibrations, voltages and lasers

3D printing using ultrasound

Optical microphone – making use of speckle patterns, rolling and global shutters

Focusing sound vibrations precisely can knock over one Lego – using scanning laser doppler vibrometer or scanning eddy current sensor and metal plate

Model rocket landed like SpaceX

One-time programs

Mycelium based logic gates (also see this)

Acoustic 3D assembly – appears to use ultrasonic beam forming type effect

Stressed plants emit airborne sounds that can be detected from more than a meter away – appears to be an ultrasonic effect

Biospeckle imaging – makes use of laser speckle on a leaf

Video-based cryptanalysis – extracting a secret key from a smart card reader power LED

DIY submarine – fascinating attempt to create a submarine

Dynamic soaring – travelling over 500mph with a model glider

Vacuuming cathedral roofs – to extract micrometeorites

Dogs detecting seizures – using their sense of smell (and an electronic equivalent)

Detecting cameras – through EM radiation

Imaging through opaque layers – using speckle patterns

Computational microscopy – fascinating video


Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of hardware

The Making of Neon Signs

Jiro Dreams of Sushi – excellent documentary on a sushi restaurant

What Owning a Ramen Restaurant in Japan is Like

A 750-Year-Old Secret: See How Soy Sauce Is Still Made Today