Fermentation Temperature Control with Inkbird 308

Beer chiller to cool the fermentation

Parasene soil warming cable to warm the fermentation (75W) along with SS coil to cool it, attached to beer chiller

Sourcecode to generate a CSV file of temperatures

while true; do
    # Take photo using current date 
    DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H%M")
    raspistill -vf -hf -o $DATE.jpg
    # Try different thresholds
    for I in 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10; do
        # Ensure there is at least PIX pixels
        for PIX in 50 20 5; do
            # Shear image by different amounts 
            for SHEAR in 65 10; do
                Z=$(../../ssocr/ssocr -d3 -i$PIX rotate 359 crop 600 825 1230 550 shear $SHEAR -t$I -f white ${DATE}.jpg -o dump.jpg)
                # Ensure exit code was 0, meaning OCR detected numbers of 3 digits
                if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ "${Z: -1}" != "-" ]; then
                    echo $Z
                    # Store number from OCR as integer, convert b to 6 
                    # (as ssocr sometimes thinks 6 is B in hex)
                    NUMI=$(echo "$(echo $Z | sed "s/b/6/g")" | bc)  
    if [ $X -eq 0 ]; then
        # Failed to detect display correctly    
        echo ${DATE} >> bad
        # Find best value out of possible candidate OCRd values
        for var in "${!ARRAY[@]}";
            # Check if this number appears the most common  
            if [ ${ARRAY[$var]} -gt $LOW ]; then
        # Convert number to decimal
        NUM=$(echo "scale = 2; $LVAL / 10" | bc)
        # Write number to CSV
        echo "${DATE},$NUM" >> temps
        rm ${DATE}.jpg
    sleep 60

Gnuplot file to generate graph

It is very important that you tightly crop around the digits of the display, removing the degrees Celsius notation and trying to crop above the decimal point, otherwise you will get erroneous values.

set key off
set term png transparent truecolor
set title "Fermentation Temperature" textcolor rgb "orange" font "Helvetica,50" 
set object 1 rectangle from graph 0, graph 0 to graph 1, graph 1 behind fc rgbcolor 'white' fs noborder
set term png size 2000,900 font "Helvetica,30" 
set xtics textcolor rgb "orange" 
set ytics textcolor rgb "orange" 
set output 'inkbird.png'
set datafile separator ','
set yrange [10:30]
set xdata time
set timefmt '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M'
set format x "%d %b %Y"
set xtics format "%d %b %Y %H\:%M"
set xtics rotate 90
set xtics 86400
plot 'temps.csv' using 1:2 with lines 

Run Gnuplot

The awk part to strip out erroneous values, should hopefully not be necessary anymore by trying more thresholds, hopefully the right value will be obtained after OCRing and selecting.

# Target temp value set on Inkbird
# Used to strip out values less than target-7 or greater target+7
# which are likely due to incorrect OCRing
LTARGET=$(echo "$TARGET - 7" | bc)
HTARGET=$(echo "$TARGET + 7" | bc)
cat temps | awk -F, '{ if ($2 >= $LTARGET && $2 <= $HTARGET ) print $1 "," $2 }' > temps.csv
gnuplot temp.plt

Example image from RPi camera of Inkbird


SSOCR can be obtained from https://github.com/auerswal/ssocr. Many thanks to Erik for producing
such an awesome program and for helping me out!.

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